Subscription Program Updates

We have a lot going on this month and wanted to share some updates.

Subscription Program Updates

Hey Everyone,

We have a lot going on this month and wanted to share some updates.

Okay, let’s get to it.

First a quick summary of the changes we’re making with details below:

Shipping Full Boxes Only – change due to legal and liability concerns
Removing Brand Details from Inventory Notes – to make it easier to ship full boxes
Introducing Fractional Rounds – so we can price more accurately
Lowering Subscription Minimum to $1.00 – for easier subscription customization
New Boxes! – upgrading our look with a custom printed box design

So, many of you already know that in order to protect our business and our ass(ets) we can no longer fill with vacuum-sealed bags. This is on the advice from a former Ammunition Industry CEO and an Attorney who suggested that it creates a huge liability issue for us if one of the rounds we vacuum packed blows up someone’s gun… Hopefully, that hasn’t happened to any of you (otherwise I suspect we would have heard about it by now).

So that means we will only ship unopened manufacturer boxes (no more vacuum sealing).

That introduces a small dilemma in our business model… In the past, we filled your monthly subscriptions with small amounts (less than full boxes) of different brands. We often changed brands month to month depending on where we could get the best deal.

For our recent August shipments, we experimented with combining brands if we could make a full box. For example, if your inventory showed you had 14 rounds of Brand X and 14 of Brand Y, we gave you a full box of 20 of Brand X and had the remaining 8 rounds “roll” to a future shipment (your inventory would still show 8 rounds).

That seemed to work well. Starting in September, we need to take it a step further and remove brand labels from the online inventory. You’ll still have the same Caliber / Quality Grade combinations and see the price we filled at and the associated number of rounds, but just the brand information will no longer apply.

When your shipment triggers, we’ll simply do what we did this month and fill your order with complete boxes of the brands we have in our inventory – which you’ll know by the images on the website and the updated “Current Inventory” pdf we regularly update.

There are some interesting new possibilities this change opens up.

The first is Fractional Rounds. Since we aren’t limited to keeping brands together like we were in the past, your inventory can contain partial rounds that when added together eventually create a full box. For example, you may get 13.3 rounds this month and next month you get 14.2 rounds for 27.5 rounds. This will continue until you request delivery (either verbally, via email, or through an auto-trigger) and we will ship JUST the number of rounds in your inventory that make up a full box with the remaining rounds (and partial rounds) rolling to the next shipment.

One really bright spot with the introduction of fractional rounds is that we better adjust our prices to be more competitive on certain calibers. Currently, we are stuck listing prices at the whole round price points. Think about this, with whole rounds, if the market price for a particular round is 37 cents we had to sell it at 38.4 (13 rounds per $5) or 35.7 cents (14 rounds per $5). Now we will be able to price is at 37 cents and for each $5 you would get 13.5 rounds, pretty slick eh?

So that logically leads to the next change we’re making: “Why keep $5 increments?” why not customize exactly how much you want to spend each month so you can tailor your subscription to full boxes if you like.

You guessed it $1 Subscription increments!

One of the more frequent questions we get is how many rounds do I get for $5…or another issue we have is people that think they get a full box for $5 because that is what it looks like on the website. Instead, we want to turn this around and list the current price per round and the price per box (along with the number of rounds per box obviously). Then give customers the ability to customize their subscription amounts in dollar increments.

(Unfortunately: due to our platform limitations we can’t go to a model where you are buying a specific number of rounds we need our subscriptions to be dollar denominations).

Last but not least, starting in September you’ll start to see our new custom printed boxes! We decided that at a certain point, the small additional cost of custom printed boxes outweighed the time and effort to spray-painted boxes as we have been doing. Plus, the new boxes look like a real grown-up company and they are slightly larger so we can ship more ammo in the smaller sized box.

Many of you have been with us from the beginning and we are thrilled you have stayed with us and seen us grow and evolve, others are brand new to the AmmoSquared family and we are equally excited you are joining us now and can experience a new way to buy ammo.

This is an exciting time at AmmoSquared and we hope these changes make building up your supply and acquiring ammunition even easier.

Take care, everyone!

Dan, Danielle, and the AMMO² Team