416 Barrett? Who Shoots THAT?!?

Smith and Wesson M&P magazines now available…
The Weather is Perfect!
The unofficial start of summer is finally here! Where we live (Idaho) the window of perfect weather runs from about mid-May until mid-June. That is when we have Goldilocks temps with no thunderstorms or excessive wind. Depending on where you live, you are probably experiencing something similar (or already have – if you are in desert country, it’s called “winter”).
That means it is time to get out and do some shooting! If you’re into big toys (like 416 Barrett) we just added your caliber. Any M1 Garand shooters out there? We just added some M1 specific 30-06 ammo for you guys too. M&P pistol shooters? We got a bunch of mags on the site now ready for you to add to your next ammo delivery. Oh and we can’t forget about our hunting buddies out there (who are probably already thinking about the fall), we have some new brands for you to check out in 223, 300BLK, and 41 Mag… In short, there’s a little ‘sumthing for everyone.

Yep, that is Danielle kicking ass and taking names during last month’s shotgun course. She was the only woman to take the course with a full 12ga… (Mossberg 590A1). We had a lot of fun and learned a lot!
New Calibers, Variations, and Gear!
We’ve added one completely new caliber this month (416 Barrett), a bunch of variations and have some cool brands we want to highlight. Also, we just added a whole new selection of Smith and Wesson Magazines (starting with M&P pistols) to the site. We’ve been a little slow to add new gear because of the website launch, but we’ll ramp up here now that that is out of the way! As always, check out our latest current pricing sheet for info on brands, box sizes, and pricing.
New Calibers!

416 Barrett – Match Grade is $6.641/rnd. A full box is 10 rounds ($66.41/box)
New Variations!

30-06 Springfield (for M1 Garand) – Service Grade is $0.770/rnd. A full box is 20 rounds ($15.41/box)

41 Remington Magnum – Hunting Grade is $0.961/rnd. A full box is 20 rounds ($19.22/box)
Highlighted New Brands
These are new options we are adding to our mix for the upcoming month.

300 Blackout (110gr) – Hunting grade is $1.316/rnd. A full box is 20 rounds ($26.33/box)

223 Remington (55gr Hunting) – Current price is $0.663/rnd. A full box is 20 rounds ($13.25/box)

40 S&W (Frangible) – Current price is $0.591/rnd. A full box is 50 rounds ($29.54/box)

40 S&W (Self Defense 180gr) – Current price is $0.552/rnd. A full box is 50 rounds ($27.61/box)
AmmoSquared, is the home of the Ammo² Wallet: an ammunition bank account backed with physical ammunition. Ammo is stored by US but managed by YOU online 24/7. To learn more about you can start stacking ammunition effortlessly, visit ammosquared.com today!