Ammo Innovation at Its Finest
This is easily the biggest update to the platform in over a year. Maybe ever.

We don’t do Labor Day sales like a lot of other companies. If you are like me, you are probably tired of seeing your inbox filled with sales emails. Instead, we’ve got something even more exciting… Today we’re launching our biggest update to the platform in over a year! Maybe ever.
This is a BIG ONE folks. I don’t get excited about much, but the features in this update take ammunition in a whole new direction and I AM PUMPED! We’re talking true ammo innovation here.
Okay, without wasting more time, I’ll go through each of the main new features below with screenshots.
Transfer Ammo Between Crates
This has been something that people have asked about for quite a while now. The ability to transfer ammo between crates will allow everyone with multiple crates to easily organize their inventory. You can break inventory out into separately “themed” crates if you want or consolidate multiple crates into a single one to make everything simple - the choice is yours.
This feature is “per SKU” so head over to your inventory tab and pick the SKU you want to move and select “Move to Crate”. It looks like this:

You’ll only see this option if you have multiple active crates.
Moving something from one crate to another means that everything moves over - all of your inventory and queue. Even activity records. Partial moves aren’t possible, so it is all or nothing.
One last thing to keep in mind, when you move something you’ll need to go into both crates, the original and the new one, to reset your allocation percentages. You’ll have a percentage “hole” in the original crate that you’ll need to fill and a zero allocation percentage in the new crate for the new SKU until you change it.
My advice is to do all the moving first then go in and adjust everything to your liking. This feature is small but important for organization.
Next on to something bigger…
Buy As Much Ammo as You Want… at a Price you Set
No joke, this feature alone might change the way you buy ammunition forever.
Now you can buy any amount of ammo at the current market price OR you can set your own price. For example, let’s say our current market price for 10mm Practice is $0.76/rnd (this is my test account, it is lower on our actual platform that adjusts with the market). Let’s also pretend you want to buy 250 rounds if the price drops to $0.55/rnd - now you can do that…
Your order to buy 250 rounds @ $0.55 will sit as an open order on your account until the market price drops to that price level - then your order will fill automatically.
We won’t charge you until the order actually fills. So you can place buy orders on any or all of your calibers and you won’t be charged until the market price drops to your desired buy level. Oh, and you can cancel open orders any time.
They are visible on your Dashboard and look like this:

Alternatively, if you just have some extra cash and want to bulk up your ammo reserves at the current price, you can do a 1-time purchase of any caliber you are currently subscribed to.
Ammo purchased in this fashion is the same as the ammo you purchase in your subscription - it will still go into your queue until it is confirmed available in our warehouse, then it will move over to your available inventory.
Another strategy is to set a price you are willing to SELL your inventory at. This will create an open sell order at that price. If the price ever reaches that point (for example if we have another big ammo shortage), your sell order will execute and you’ll receive the credits in your account. Obviously only do this for calibers you want to dispose of because, in times like these, you never know if some world event will unexpectedly push prices higher!
This feature will allow us to expand from our roots as an ammo subscription service into something even greater.
But wait, there’s more…
Custom Profiles and Unique Usernames
This feature was also a popular request: now you can update your profile with a pic and short bio. You can do this from the Account Settings Page. You’ll also be able to pick your own username that you can share with friends and family. (The purpose of this will make more sense in a second.)
Here is mine:

You’ll be able to send them to your own profile page at For example, my page is:
You might be asking yourself, “Why would I want to do that?”
Well, that brings up the next feature, and it is the BIG ONE…
Send or Request Ammo to/from Anyone
With this new rollout, you’ll be able to instantly send anyone ammo - they don’t even need to be an AmmoSquared customer. You can also request ammo from anyone. Think of this feature as Venmo for Ammo.
Here is what my full profile looks like at looks like this:

(BTW: The visibility of these buttons is customizable on your profile page. So you don’t have to show Send or Request if you don’t want to.)
Once someone clicks on the button to either Send or Request, they’ll have the opportunity to create an account if they don’t have one. If they are already a customer they can use their stored inventory in the transaction. If they aren’t a customer or don’t have available inventory, they can purchase the inventory they need to finish the transaction.
The QR Code is a quick way to bring people to your profile. You can open it up on your phone and have your friend scan it, or do a screenshot or snip and save it as an image to print or add to other web pages (Gunbroker, Craigslist, etc) so they can pay you in ammo… The possibilities are endless!
Unlike payment apps that you are probably already familiar with, we don’t charge a fee - even if you are using a credit card.
Also, ammo from inventory will transfer directly into inventory (yours or theirs) while newly purchased ammo will go into queue and be added to inventory once we confirm ammo availability - the same way we do it for normal purchases.
You can also do all of this from the Send / Request Tab on the Dashboard and just enter someone’s email address to send them ammo or request it from them:

So for example, if you are feeling charitable, you can send ammo to your favorite YouTube influencer… You’ll just need to know their email address unless they’ve made their profile public.
I want to stress that this feature is in Beta - so there could be a few hiccups (hopefully not too many though). If you encounter any then use the “Share Feedback” button at the top of the Send / Request screen to let us know. Also, if you have any general ideas or feedback, we’d love to hear them.
Lastly, in order to get as much feedback and usage as possible, every month starting this month in September, we’re going to do a random $500 drawing from everyone who has used the send / request feature to send ammo.
So test it out by sending a small amount of ammo to your buddies. Let them test it out. Tell us what you think. Figure out new and interesting ways to use ammo like a currency. I’m sure you can think of ways to use this feature that we haven’t even dreamt of yet!
Wrap Up
As you can see, these are some pretty unique features! They are all part of our mission to simplify ammunition ownership and unlock its stored value. In essence, treating ammunition like a hard asset instead of just something you put in your gun and shoot - but of course, you can do that too! That is the magic of ammunition vs something like gold - it is valuable, tangible, AND useful.
Of course, this is just the beginning. We’ve got some amazing functionality planned along with UX enhancements that will make everything easier to use. We’ll continue to iterate and improve everything as we go. In, short we’re continuously innovating and finding new ways to use ammunition that nobody has thought up yet.
If you aren’t a customer yet, now is the perfect time to sign up and see what all the excitement is about!