Grandma Would Be So Proud

Grandma Would Be So Proud

‌‌‌‌You might have noticed the calendar today… it’s Mother’s Day! We want to kick this update off with a shout out to Mom’s and Grandma’s out there and recognize all the sh*t they have to put up with… Especially in times past (or present) when all the men were away and it was the women that protected the homestead…

But times have changed and Grandma doesn’t use a shotgun anymore… she’s modernized and is now more into 5.56 (or if they are really kick-ass… use suppressed 300 Blackout for home defense!)Those poultry bandits don’t stand a chance now that Grandma can hit them at 200 yards!

Updates and News

Well, it is that time again… time for our weekly update on all things Ammo²!

You may have noticed we’re getting this one out a little later than usual, you can blame that on the 1st that rolled on Sunday and is our main day to allocate inventory and send out shipments. Last week was busy!

If you had an automatic delivery triggered this month then we’ve already communicated with you and you probably already got your ammo.

If not, you might want to check your email because we still haven’t heard back from everyone with some questions we had… so if you are one of those folks, get back to us!

Now on to the good stuff…  updates and such.

We always look forward to writing our weekly posts because we love to have new calibers to announce and this week is no exception.

Last week was Shotgun Week you might have remembered, and this week could be called Black Gun Ammo Week because both of the new calibers this week can be shot from an AR15… (don’t hold us to the naming-the-weeks-thing for very long because there is no telling where it might lead… )

Introducing after two new offerings…  5.56 Nato(62gr “green tip”) and **300 Blackout **(Grandma would be so proud).

We’ve had a lot of interest and special requests for these two calibers, so we finally added them to the site last week.

If you are interested you can them to your account with a new subscription, or swap out something else. For example, if you currently get $20 of 5.56you now have the option of allocating your $20 to different bullet weights like $10 to 55gr and $10 to 62gr.

That’s the really cool aspect of our program – you can allocate and reallocate your subscriptions to your heart’s content. We don’t charge any switching fees and it is easy to do on your MyAccount page by clicking on one of your subscriptions and making the changes right there.

You could even decide to let one caliber build-up for a little while and switch to something else.

Since we’re talking about 5.56 anyway…

All of our_ Federal American Eagle 5.56 XM193_ has been allocated to accounts as of Sunday so we’ve switched over to IMI 55gr M193 for new signups and allocations for next month. That may change (as usual – don’t hold us t any particular brand) but for now it looks like the best “bang for your buck” in the 5.56 Service Grade category

Plus as a bonus, there is no change in price for the higher quality IMI ammo! (still $0.34 a round for 55gr 5.56 Nato).

If you still want Federal American Eagle, we still have stock of our 223 Remington AE223.

BTW: If you have one particular brand in your inventory that is yours, you will always know what you are getting after your ammo has been allocated. We will physically move inventory from one part of our warehouse to the other as we allocate it to customer accounts.

This provides two benefits.

  1. You will know exactly what you have in your inventory at any time.
  2. We can fill your request for ammo at a moment’s notice. Everything in your inventory is just an email or a phone call away, there is almost no delay getting it prepped for delivery and out the door to you.

In order to do this successfully and keep prices as low as we do – we will occasionally (or frequently depending on market conditions) change the brands that we have available to allocate on the 1st of the month. Last month it was Federal 5.56 Nato, next month it will be IMI 5.56 Nato. We try not to mix brands in a single account in a single month however – if we need to change out a brand we won’t do it mid-customer allocation.

We keep a list of the current inventory we are allocating on our Current Inventory Page and you can see the Brand that below to each Quality Grade to get a sense of what you may get in the future if you subscribe to a particular grade.

Regardless, you will always know what brand you have in your inventory by logging onto your account via MyAccount and seeing what has been allocated to you in the past. That will never change and core to our business model.