Gun + Ammo Accuracy Testing Project (“GAAT”)

We are just about ready to officially start the AmmoSquared Guns + Ammo Accuracy Testing Project (the “GAAT” Project for short… came up with that one ourselves!) Anyway, hopefully, you watched our YouTube video. But in case you haven’t yet: The goal of the “GAAT Project” is to see what ammo runs best and is most accurate in each model of firearm.
Here’s what we’ve done so far:
1 – We purchased a Ransom Rest with the proper pistol inserts to test in as accurate a manner as possible.
2 – We purchased two Glock 19’s for the first test: a Gen 5 and a Gen 3 so we can see if there is any difference between the generations. After this test is complete we’ll continue with other pistol makes and models. (On deck are the following pistols: M&P 2.0 Compact, Sig Sauer P320 Compact, and an XD Mod 2 4″)
3 – Lastly, we have purchased over 100 different variations of 9mm ammunition from 30 manufacturers. (This ammo is right off our shelves or stuff we’ve special ordered at our own expense for the purposes of testing.)
As of Saturday 8/4: we have thoroughly cleaned each Glock and run just under 200 rounds of standard FMJ ammo through each to work out any kinks that might affect testing. They have worked as well as you would expect without any failures to fire or feed. The Gen 5 did have one failure to lock back on an empty slide about 100 rounds in, so we’ll see if that is an issue at all in the future.
Next Steps:
- Ammunition List: We’re publishing our ammunition list so everyone can chime in. We know there are some brands we’re missing and we want to add those to the list as we go along. If you see something missing that you want us to test, just add a comment below or send us an email.
- Testing Procedure and Data Collection: Along the same lines, we’ve listed our testing procedure for comments and suggestions.
We will start the test over the next two weeks and take our time to diligently record data and post the results online for everyone to check out.