Launching today: AMMO² COFFEE!
Unless you are a TEA DRINKING LIMEY, you probably LOVE COFFEE like we do. What’s not to love about a steaming hot cup of patriot approved freedom juice on a chilly spring morning?
So, with all of the other companies launching coffee brands, we thought: “We sell ammunition, that is basically the same thing as coffee… we should do this too!”
So today we’re proud to announce our newest product offering: AMMO² COFFEE!
Of course we won’t be like other unnamed coffee brands who send tiny amounts of coffee in 12 oz black sissy bags (What? Not even a full pound? Come on man!). Nope, like all things AmmoSquared, we’re going to do things a little bit differently and our initial offering will be 50 ounces of delicious whole bean coffee vacuum sealed in 50 caliber AMMO CANS!...

Because if you’re going to drink coffee… DRINK COFFEE. We know our customers are REAL men, even if they are women, they still need a MAN sized 50 caliber ammo can sized container of coffee! Those 12 oz bags last a couple days in a real man’s house, so we’re upping the ante with 50 ounces of whole bean AMMO² COFFEE! Enough to last at least a couple weeks when you drink coffee morning, noon, and night... like we do.
Our 50 cal ammo cans of coffee will soon be available to add to your ammunition stockpile. The best news is that since they are vacuum sealed, they’ll keep for years right beside your ammunition - ready to get you into the fight when you need that extra “umph” of freedom.
We’re offering 6 flavors to meet your coffee drinking needs (of course they’re ammunition themed):
300 Win Mag, Extra Dark Roast (hearty so you feel it in your gut)
308 Winchester, Dark Roast (bold and a bit salty)
300 Blackout, Medium Roast (smooth and well balanced)
5.7x28, Light Roast (sweet and a little spicy)
30-06 Springfield, Espresso (bitter and cantankerous)
303 British, Tea (just kidding, you’re in the wrong place if you want this wanker drink)
As with our unique approach to ammunition, you can buy partial ammo cans of our coffee and build up to a full can over time. Once you have a full ammo can of coffee it will be available to ship right to your door with your accumulated ammunition or individually as a stand alone coffee can. You can even mix and match and get one flavor or any combination of our six (five really) amazing caliber themed flavors!
What's not to love about coffee in an ammo can delivered right to your door? That's pure glorious FREEDOM right there. So what are your waiting for? April Fools’ Day?