AmmoSquared at the NRA Annual Meeting Next Week!

Next weekend we’ll be setting up a booth at the 153rd NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas (May 16-19th). Booth 6923.
Customers be sure to stop by and say “hi” because we'll bring along some special never before issued morale patches just for AmmoSquared customers. Pick them up free at our booth. For everyone else we'll also have stickers and other swag to give out as well.
In addition to meeting the folks from AmmoSquared live in technicolor, you’ll also have the opportunity to meet a couple of YouTube celebrities who will be hanging out at the AmmoSquared booth on Saturday:
Tim from Military Arms Channel: Saturday 3PM CST

Tiberious Gib: Saturday 5pm CST.

This is our first ever trade show, so we’re excited to meet everyone and share the latest and greatest from AmmoSquared.
If you won’t be able to attend, we’re also making plans to be at the Gun Owners of America Advocacy and Leadership Summit in Knoxville Tennessee in August… so stay tuned for more details about that show as well!