Ammunition Insurance?

Ammunition Insurance?
Photo by Chris Karidis / Unsplash

You wouldn’t try to buy fire insurance while your house is on fire, so don’t try to buy ammunition during an ammo shortage.

When I started AmmoSquared in 2015 we were just coming out of an ammunition shortage and I couldn't find any ammo (at least not a price any sane human was willing to pay). We then saw another ammo shortage in 2020, which was even worse because of how quick and unexpected it was.

Nobody knows when the next ammo shortage will occur. It could be this year, next year, or five years from now. It could also be never. Similarly, you may have a house fire this year, in five years, or never. You just don't know - which is why it pays to be prepared.

To do that you’ll need to position yourself correctly BEFORE the next ammunition shortage by having a consistent process to squirrel ammunition away. It seems like common sense but there are still millions of gun owners that run to the store at the first sign of panic. They actually cause more of a panic by they themselves panicking. 

Heck, we just saw this last month with panic at Costco’s across the nation. They were running out of toilet paper and bottled water at the mere hint of an East Coast dockworker strike! (Which doesn’t even make sense since I’m sure we’re not buying our toilet paper from Europe). Regardless, it doesn’t take much to panic people - especially these days when it seems like everyone is on edge. Humans are herd animals and like to follow each other off the proverbial cliff occasionally.

As we all know from economics class, and common sense, the best time to buy is when nobody else is buying - when prices are lowest. To be well positioned in the next ammunition shortage you need to be stocking up during times of plenty. If companies are offering sales and slashing prices, that is the time to buy more than you need. It also helps to be CONSISTENT in your buying. Don't put off buying so long while looking for those deals that you wind up with nothing.

We know the price of ammunition will be going up at some point. It is almost as certain as death and taxes. Especially in the current economic climate with a dollar on shaky ground. As it starts to depreciate everything costs more. We’ve already seen this with everyday staples like milk and bread, but also with ammunition. The days of two cent .22 LR rounds or ten cent 9mm FMJ’s are long gone and never coming back just due to the increased cost of raw materials.  

Having ammunition both at home (as you should) and with AmmoSquared gives you options that no other company can. The ammo at your home can be used for training and during an emergency situation while the ammo stored with AmmoSquared can be shipped anytime (yes, even during a shortage), exchanged for different calibers, or even sold for financial gain. In both cases, you are covered and you won’t have to panic buy during a shortage. You become part of the solution - not part of the problem. Remember the old adage of not having all of your eggs in one basket?... it applies to ammunition as well.

How do I know this? Experience.

I mentioned earlier, that I started AmmoSquared back in 2015 after being frustrated about not being able to find ammo during a shortage. What you may not know, was that in 2014 I was working in California for a tech company, having just moved there from Idaho a year earlier. I was basically doing a corporate “tour of duty” for 13 months in San Francisco before I got the chance to move back to Idaho in 2015. While I was in California I bought ZERO boxes of ammunition because I didn’t want to jump through the hoops there. When I got back to Idaho due to the ammo shortage I had almost nothing - a pitiful amount of ammunition. Not enough to practice or train with, just enough to protect my family from a home intruder, and that was an iffy proposition at best due to my lack of recent practice and the condition of the ammo I had available (multiple moves across multiple states while being stored haphazardly).

Not good.

Ammunition Insurance? 

I’m sure the lawyer will tell me I can’t call AmmoSquared “Ammunition Insurance” because "insurance" is reserved for specific financial products. Fine, the pencil pushers can have it their way. Now if you think of it more as a “Gun Ownership Lifestyle Insurance” it starts to make more sense. 

Insurance gives you a way to resume your previous lifestyle before a catastrophe interrupted it: car crash, house flood, fire, etc. That is what AmmoSquared does too, just in a different way. 

We help you continue the armed lifestyle - aka: "enjoy freedom" no matter what.

Maybe instead of “insurance” it should be “assurance”...

Assurance that you’ll have rounds available when you need them regardless of the market conditions, panics, or shortages. 

Assurance that no natural disaster, fire, flood or theft at your home will deprive you of ammunition. If that happens you can immediately get your accumulated ammo delivered right to your door.

Assurance against rampant inflation by stockpiling a hard asset you can sell, exchange, or ship any time. Think of ammunition as gold’s more versatile, martial focused, younger brother. 

Insurance companies like to talk about their size and "assets under management" or AUM. While we can't compare to some of these multibillion dollar companies, I can confidently say we are the largest company providing the ammunition "assurance" service that we do. In fact, as of our last count this week, we have over 10 million rounds of ammunition allocated to customers and stored on their behalf. We are their insurance policy against future ammo shortages, house fires, or personal financial crunches due to inflation.

We're here to ensure you have ammunition when you need it so you can enjoy freedom and live the armed lifestyle. We help you protect those you love.

THAT is real peace of mind.