Gun Giveaway and Gear Clearance

I just looked at the blog and realized I haven’t written anything for a while now! Well, that’s about to change…
Here is the roundup:
Gun Giveaway!
First of all, you’ll notice that we’re doing our first-ever Gun Giveaway this quarter. This is the start of a trend because we already have next quarter’s prize picked out. (But can’t say anything yet). Hopefully, as we grow we can do this on a monthly basis, but we just don’t have the resources for that quite yet.
So this quarter we’re giving away an M&P 2.0 Shield 9mm with Crimson Trace integrated laser. Next quarter it will be something different (maybe a shotgun – hint, hint). What has allowed us to do this is receiving our FFL. That should open up the possibilities to not only doing this for marketing purposes but also to integrate into our subscription program.
Gear Clearance!
Second, we are going to be changing the way we handle gear. While the current system does work, we found its Achilles’ Heel: In the recent rush of some people to purchase high cap mags, we couldn’t fulfill their orders. Our customers placed the order with us but in some cases, we couldn’t find the mags at our distributors. Early in our company history, we decided we didn’t want to be like a traditional retail store – there are enough of those out there. Today, taking a step back, that is really what our gear section has turned into. Plus there is no way we could ever hope to carry a large enough selection to get the best pricing or to be your 1st choice vendor.
So we’re making some changes. Basically, we will retire our current gear listings and only show what we actually have in stock. Since we did try to buy ahead on a few items we have those in stock. Starting today, everything is 10% off our current price. Once our store inventory is cleared out, we will start offering limited-time deals that customers can purchase and add to their inventory. Similar to how we did the weekly square deals, but we’ll do them more often and on smaller items. We still like that concept and want to expand on it but want to do it smarter than before. Also, you will be able to use your gear credits and we’ll have a request form if there is something specific you are looking for we’ll work on adding it.
The goal with our gear will be to provide good deals on items that you buy anyway, but now can just make the purchase and add it to your personal inventory. It will simplify your gun purchases because you are already getting an ammo delivery.