New Video + Sneak Peak Ahead

We just finished a pretty BAD ASS video I wanted to share with everyone...
I’m extremely pleased with how it turned out. Shout out to Silverline Films for the great work they did.
What do you think? Good? Too much?
If you like it please share and hit the “thumbs up” (and feel free to add a comment!). I’d really like to get some traction on this for obvious reasons but also to see if Google takes us down. This is a test for us on YouTube. This morning, I reviewed YouTube’s video terms and they must have changed some things regarding ammunition, because I don’t see any restrictions for us any longer.
Honestly, our biggest challenge with YouTube in the past has been that since we sell ammunition, any video that linked back to our site was taken down. If I’m reading this policy correctly it says: "Content intended to sell firearms, instruct viewers on how to make firearms, ammunition, and certain accessories, or instruct viewers on how to install those accessories is not allowed on YouTube."
Well we only sell ammunition and don’t “instruct” people how to reload it. So our content should now be allowed. They do have a "illegal or regulated goods" policy, but ammunition also doesn't appear to be on the list.
So we shall see.
I’m not going to hold my breath though. We also have the video on Rumble and on our own internal server just in case. I’m going to also look into some of the alternative video sites as well.
Either way, I think it is a great video that gives a great overview of the company, what we're all about, and why our service exists.
Also, since we’re on the topic, I wanted to hit a couple of other significant marketing related efforts we’ll be launching this year...

Booth at the NRA Show in Dallas May 16-19th
This is our first time EVER putting together a booth for any event like this. This is like Shot Show but not restricted to people in the industry. We’ve already got our booth picked out…Booth #6923 We'll be just a few steps away from the big boys like Springfield, Glock and Mossberg!
If you are in the neighborhood, stop by and say “hi”. We’re going to bring some special gifts for current customers and maybe even do a drawing! (We’re still working out the details.)
Either way, it should be good exposure for AmmoSquared because people will be looking for new products and services. In a way, this represents us hitting the big time. There are 800+ exhibitors and 75,000 attendees at this event! That is huge. I have personally never been to the Annual NRA Meeting but Chris has and says it is just like Shot Show - which I call Disneyland for gun enthusiasts (the good Disneyland, not the woke, pedo kind). So it should be a lot of fun!
Coming Soon:
Firearm Instructor Program and Special “Event Ammo”
Imagine that you could select a specific brand and bullet weight of ammo, select the number of rounds you need and a future date you want it delivered? Sound interesting? Oh and you get to lock in today’s price and pay for it over time. Sound even more intriguing?
That is what we’re developing now.
We are tentatively calling it “Event Ammo” with the idea that people who have training or competition events in the future could benefit from locking in a specific amount of specific ammo for future delivery and paying over time for it.
We see this feature as a potential big benefit for firearms instructors who have students that struggle getting the ammo for their courses. If a student waits too long and we have another ammo crunch or prices skyrocket, they could be SOL which jeopardizes their training.
We think we can help prevent that.
With this new feature, we’re going to make it super simple for an instructor to send students a link where the student just needs to pick the ammo they want, pick the number of rounds and when they want it. We then do the math and create a custom payment plan (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). The ammo delivery date, quantity, and price are all locked in so the student AND instructor can rest easy.
It's like ammo on layaway.
When we launch we'll keep the selection to a limited number of caliber and brand options like 9mm and 5.56/223 only. Eventually we'll add more calibers options that are common in classes and competition, but this is not meant to replace our existing system - it will just be a new feature with a different focus. As always, we'll seek feedback and be tweaking things as we go to make it better and more useful.
In addition to this, we're developing a few other new features aimed at helping students and firearms instructors connect, including instructor profiles and course listings.
As you probably already know, around here we're BIG on improving ourselves through training and competitions, so it only makes sense that we help people by providing resources and ammo for those events. When you think about it, in times like these, it only makes sense to get as much training as your budget or schedule allows... you just never know when you'll need it.
PS: If you are an instructor or know someone who might like to be part of our beta program please shoot us an email at