Propaganda Alpha

This week we posted on Facebook a picture of our latest (and first) piece of Ammo² “propaganda” – a vinyl decal for your truck (or car):
We think it looks pretty bad-ass! A lot of people agree too because we’ve had a ton of requests for these decals. It also tells the world what you are all about – AMMO! It is a simple but bold statement. We are planning to release other pieces of propaganda soon – shirts are next on the list. This piece is the first – the alpha.
It could be just us, but we feel like Ammo² is a statement – a commitment to the enjoyment of firearms and the willingness to do what it takes to protect your rights and your family. You can’t do that if you don’t have ammunition for your firearms. Think about it.
Ammo² Team
PS: If you like these and want one – all you have to do is ask! We are giving these away to anyone who wants to put it on their vehicle. Plus if you take a pic we’ll throw some more free stuff your way as our way of saying thanks for helping us to get the word out about Ammo².