We're the 10th Fastest Growing Company in Idaho!

From 2020 to 2023 we grew revenue by 425% putting us as the 10th fastest growing company in Idaho!

We're the 10th Fastest Growing Company in Idaho!

From 2020 to 2023 we grew revenue by 425% putting us as the 10th fastest growing company in Idaho during that time period.

On Tuesday, I headed over to Boise, our state capital, for an award ceremony put on by Boise Dev called "Peak 43" celebrating the 43 fastest growing companies in Idaho. Why forty-three companies? Well, apparently Idaho is the 43rd state... (Good thing we aren't in Delaware because the list would be pretty short!)

We knew beforehand that we made the Peak 43 list but didn't know where on the fastest growing company ranking AmmoSquared would fall. I had no idea we would be in the top 10, so I was pleasantly surprised at our ranking: #10.

Becoming the 10th fastest growing company in Idaho is a testament that we are doing something right at AmmoSquared. While we did have a big spike in 2020 we've continued to grow every year since then as well. In fact, we just closed out our Q3 metrics and we've now officially doubled both revenue and our active customers for the year! So we're continuing our meteoric growth. I'm not sure where we'll rank next year but I'm pretty sure we'll be high in rankings again!

Of course we couldn't do it without our amazing customers who are the reason we come to work every day. One section of our site I like to visit frequently is our "Reviews" page. These are real reviews from customers in chronological order with the most recent first. But you can go all the way back to 10/1/21 - so THREE YEARS of unedited, unfiltered customer reviews. Yes that is correct, we don't filter out bad reviews. We rely on our quality customer service and innovative service to surprise and delight our customers. The reviews reflect this. If there is a problem we fix it.

Honestly, if you haven't visited that page recently and perused the reviews, I encourage you to because it is fun and informative to see what folks are saying about the company and what they are getting in their shipments. Heck it is even fun to see the variety and evolution of the stickers we include with every shipment!

I believe one of the reasons we've grown so fast is because we provide real value to our customers. We are doing something innovative in the space and we're constantly looking at ways to improve.

When the folks at the Peak 43 event looked at the growth factors for the fastest growing companies in Idaho they identified four key areas as reasons for success:

  • Strong Teams
  • Customer Loyalty / Word of Mouth
  • Innovation
  • Adjusting to the changing needs of the Customer and the Market

When I look back on the past few years. I can positively say that we've hit all of these bullet points:

  1. Strong Teams: we have a great work environment and invest in our people. We pay well, provide great benefits and try to keep friction and stress to a minimum. In fact, the very first employees we ever hired are still with us today! Lately we've started adding to our team (doubling this year). Our main focus on hiring is cultural fit over everything else. We believe this will lay a strong foundation for our future success and growth. Like Peter Drucker says: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast!".
  2. Customer Loyalty and Word of Mouth: During most of our existence we put very little money into marketing, instead we relied on providing a great service so our customers would tell their friends. In fact, word of mouth marketing was our primary driver of growth until early this year. We believe that if you provide value, then people will stick around and tell their friends. That is pretty much all you need for a successful company.
  3. Innovation: Well this is pretty much built into our company DNA. We are a "2A Tech" company doing something unique with ammunition. In fact, we have more ideas than resources (time, people, money) to execute those ideas! We'll keep plugging away though. We have some great features planned and even bigger innovations in the future that will keep us leading the pack in this space.
  4. Adjusting to the changing needs of the customer and market: I'd say we've done this very well. We are always looking for ways to implement customer feedback. We're also constantly watching for new technologies to adopt or new ways we can do things more efficient or better. We know we can't operate in a bubble. We also don't corner the market on good ideas, there are many out there that come from our customers. Like I pointed out above with our "Reviews" section, I love reading the reviews and looking for nuggets of feedback that will help us improve!

We're proud to be listed as the 10th fastest growing company in Idaho! We'll continue to do more of what we do best: making sure our customers have ammunition available when they need it most so they can feel secure and ultimately protect what they love.