Featured The Backbone of Liberty The 2nd Amendment is a safeguard against tyranny. Yet too many gun owners act like they have something to hide, afraid of being put “on a list”...
Gun Safe Overflowing? Time to Prioritize, Optimize, and Declutter! Many gun owners take pride in growing their firearm collections, but at what point does collecting become excessive? How many guns are too many? This article explores the balance between being a protector vs. a collector, emphasizing that firearm ownership should prioritize skill development and practical use over sheer quantity.
America’s Ammunition Reserve: A New Era of Readiness We recently asked ourselves a simple question: How can we ensure that ammunition shortages never disrupt the lives of America's gun owners again?
Free Gifts in December Shipments! This year we're doing something different... we're going to include a random free gift in every shipment that goes out in December!
Thankful for America... and YOU! Gratitude is not something we should just give on one day a year, but it does flow especially freely on Thanksgiving.
How Stockpiling Ammunition Can Help Save America I passionately believe that if every American had a stockpile of ammunition... our country would be in a better place.
Ammunition Insurance? You wouldn’t try to buy fire insurance while your house is on fire, so don’t try to buy ammunition during an ammo shortage. When I started AmmoSquared in 2015 we were just coming out of an ammunition shortage and I couldn't find any ammo (at least
Gasoline Tech? We’re in the business of disrupting legacy industries, like ammunition. Now we have an idea for better way to fill up your tank...
We're the 10th Fastest Growing Company in Idaho! From 2020 to 2023 we grew revenue by 425% putting us as the 10th fastest growing company in Idaho!
Warehouse Woes No More Hit with shipping delays the past few weeks, we're now back on track and have improved our process so we can ship even faster now.
Interview Featured Gun Owners of America and AmmoSquared We visit John and Kailey from GOA for a discussion on the future of ammunition and where AmmoSquared fits in the ammo stockpiling toolbox.
In God We Trust - For Everything Else There’s Ammo Do you feel a little bit poorer this week? It seems like most of the world does thanks to Monday's flash crash.
The Email that Helped Change the Trajectory of AmmoSquared Last December we received an email that didn't really impact me at the time, but now as I look back I see that it probably helped change the course of our entire company.
Resurrected Calibers As some of you that have been with us for awhile know, in 2022 we significantly trimmed our caliber catalogue down from over 500 caliber variations to around 60. Since then we've been slowly adding them back. This month we added back six caliber variations that have been
AmmoSquared at the NRA Annual Meeting Next Week! Next weekend we’ll be setting up a booth at the 153rd NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas (May 16-19th). Booth 6923. Customers be sure to stop by and say “hi” because we'll bring along some special never before issued morale patches just for AmmoSquared customers. Pick them up
Strategic Ammo Reserve Just over a week ago, on January 31st, ammunition sellers across the country were suddenly flooded with orders. Some sites went dark from the massive amount of traffic and others were quickly going out of stock on popular calibers. If you live in California you already know the story, but
New Video + Sneak Peak Ahead We just finished a pretty BAD ASS video I wanted to share with everyone... I’m extremely pleased with how it turned out. Shout out to Silverline Films for the great work they did. What do you think? Good? Too much? If you like it please share and hit the
Hope for the best, but plan for the worst in 2024 Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. That is a good saying for just about any time but it’s especially relevant today. It is exactly how I’m looking at 2024... As we toasted the new year, it was interesting to talk to and find out that
Ammo Prices on the Rise... But It's Not What You Think If you are on social media or read some of the same blogs I do, then you might have seen talk about “ammo prices rising substantially in 2024”. Let’s dissect this and see if there is any merit to that claim… This time, unlike the 223/556 scare from
Why We Don't Do Black Friday Sales Last week was Thanksgiving and if you are like me, you got absolutely BOMBED by Black Friday and Cyber Monday ads. My personal email was thick with them. I even got ads from companies I didn’t think could do “Black Friday” sales… like our doctor’s office! (They were
Veteran's Day 2023 Our position as a global superpower hasn't come cheap. The US has spent the majority of its history in wars both large and small. Those wars come at a huge price, not only in dollars but also in lives. While some don't make it back from
Is Ammunition a Commodity? What do you think? Is ammunition a consumer commodity like gasoline, milk, or carrots? To answer that we should probably start with some definitions... What exactly is a commodity? According to Merriam-Webster, the definition for a commodity is: 1c: a mass-produced unspecialized product 2a: something useful or valued 3: a
Navigating Future Ammo Shortages with a Plan As the past few weeks have shown, world events affect the US ammunition consumer. Sometimes quickly and unexpectedly. This is probably a good time to talk about having an ammunition management plan...
Ammo Update - October 2023 It has been a while since I’ve given an ammo update, because, well there hasn’t been anything unusual that needed to be shared. It is like the dash on your car, if everything is in the green and good to go, you don’t need a blinky light
When Bad Sh*t Happens Okay guys, so today is Friday the 13th which sounds like a great day to talk about bad sh*t happening. If you have been following social media, today is also “Jihadist Friday”… which could mean something bad is going to happen, or it could be a big nothing burger.