New Survey Results + Mantis X10 Winners! This month we conducted another survey, this time with non-customers. I’d like to announce the winners and do a deep dive into some of the findings. In September we did a NON-Customer survey to find out how people who aren’t our customers thought about us and what features
Got Values? Do you know who you are doing business with? In most cases you might not know what a company's values are because they don't publish them. Or if they do, they certainly don't follow them (e.g.: Do No Evil - Google). Well, we
Caliber Options Everyone Has Been Asking For... One of the things I mentioned last week, was that we are going to be making some SKU updates based on customer feedback from the survey. Here is the first wave of caliber updates... 223 / 556 New Separated Options (available now) We're adding additional SKUs to separate 223
And the Survey Says... Yesterday we wrapped up our most comprehensive customer survey to date. We're pretty excited! The results of this survey are eye opening and will provide fuel to get us to the next level. Needless to say this was a pretty important project for us and will pay dividends
There's An App For That Did you know that we recently launched an "app" for AmmoSquared? No we weren't able to somehow bribe Apple or Google to let us on their respective app stores, we launched it independently of those tech monopolies... The next time you sign in to your account
What is Public Square? I think we're similar, you and me. Here's what I mean: I support businesses local to me, my state, and my country, in that order, as much as I can. Plus, nine times out of ten, I will support a small business before a larger one,
2 Steps Forward... 1 Step Back I hate rules. Especially bureaucratic rules. That is the main reason I became an entrepreneur. I wanted to escape the bureaucracy of corporate life. I remember meetings with no purpose other than to stroke the ego of the person setting the meeting, emails with 15 CC's, documents that
How Healthy is your Ammunition Stockpile? In 2020, we found out just how important it is to have some ammo squirreled away for a rainy day… but honest question: how healthy is your ammunition stockpile today? First, I suppose we should get some terminology out of the way: when you think ammunition “stockpile” how much ammo
The Ammo Feeding Frenzy Has Finally Died Down We haven't seen ammo prices hit this level since 2019... Time to invest in some BRASS and LEAD!
Confessions of a Long Range Shooting Noob So I have a dilemma... Recently I’ve turned my attention to long range shooting. I’m not a long range shooter now but I’m working on learning the craft and becoming one. Danielle (my wife) is also interested in learning long range shooting. We have signed up for
Pioneers Get The Arrows There is a saying in business that “Pioneers get the arrows while settlers get the land”. I was reminded of this recently when one of our press releases got picked by TFB (The Firearm Blog) and they wrote a short article about AmmoSquared. We were happy to see this because
AmmoDan Interview on For The Love of Guns Podcast Check out my interview on For The Love of Guns Podcast! We talk about the history of AmmoSquared and how we are transforming ammunition into an asset that can be managed and traded online.
FAQ - "Banking" Ammo Over that past few months we've been in the process of pivoting our service away from an ammunition subscription service and toward and ammo "banking" service. Understandably, we've had a few questions from customers and prospective customers... Q1: Are you FDIC insured? No. Since
Lightbulb Moments This week we launched some new enhancements and text changes that seem to have caused a few people have lightbulb moments like this one: "I finally understand what you guys are trying to do!" Nice! Here's what lead to that... Ammunition Assets On Wednesday, we rolled
Never Standing Still This week our team wrapped up our fourth planning session for what will eventually be the new AMMOSQUARED 3.0 platform.
Cars and Guns What kind of car owner are you? Just like with gun owners, there are different types... and there are a lot of similarities between the two. Let's see if we can categorize your typical car owners, then we’ll do the same thing with gun owners: Cars and
Martial America America is good at war. One might even describe us as a "martial" society. Our country was started with a war - a revolution in fact. Not every country can say that (looking at you Canada!). Let's put some numbers to it: starting in 1775 we’
Own Your Very Own Pallet of Ammunition... Based on some recent conversations, I've started to ponder on the idea of offering a unique opportunity: own a dedicated pallet of ammunition, stored in our warehouse, free for 1 year. Here is the question I'll pose to you followed by my thought process: What if
Back to the (Analog) Future Have you noticed that there is a subset of people who are seeking out less digital, even analog, alternatives? From cars to music players and even money, more people are moving back to the basics.
Launching today: AMMO² COFFEE! Unless you are a TEA DRINKING LIMEY, you probably LOVE COFFEE like we do. What’s not to love about a steaming hot cup of patriot approved freedom juice on a chilly spring morning? So, with all of the other companies launching coffee brands, we thought: “We sell ammunition, that
3 Tips to Supercharge Your Ammo Account In this blog post I’ll share three tips or tricks that are somewhat hidden and even AmmoSquared veterans might not know about.
Our Evolution from Ammo Subscription to Ammo Bank Account We’ve now had inquiries ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 on how someone could move their money from a traditional bank and put it into ammunition. This would have been a crazy idea only a few years ago… so how did we get here? There are two parts
Dating Advice... from an Ammunition Company? You know that saying, “Birds of a feather flock together”? Well as corny as it sounds, it’s true. You tend to like the people that like what you like (say that three times fast!). This saying could even be your secret to love… If you ever read any books
Why Everyone Should Own a Full Size 40 Caliber Pistol A .40 caliber? Pffft That caliber is dying. Get with the times Dan and get a double stack 9mm 2011 with a red dot optic…
Dude, Where's My DASHBOARD? If you have been a customer for a while and recently logged into your account, you might have seen something missing… like the Overview Dashboard. In it’s place was a checklist like this instead: I recently mentioned in my Pre-Christmas Update that we changed how the home tab looks