Constitutional Carry Depends on All of Us To some, it is a crazy notion: carrying a concealed firearm without a permit, but to others it is seen as a constitutional right.
The Rise Of Subscription Boxes Have you noticed an increase in the number of subscription programs for everyday goods?
Updates (+ new Calibers!) It is spring (nearly) and there is a lot going on at Ammo². If you are a long-time visitor to the site, the first thing you’ll notice
Ammunition as Currency? Ammunition and gold share a lot of similar characteristics, but can ammo actually serve as a currency?
Ammo Data Visualizations (part 3) In this last part we’ll look at Match Grade ammunition as well as Self Defense Grade.
Ammo Data Visualizations (part 2) Remember last week we were looking at some pretty cool visualizations that we collected looking at ammunition pricing data for 9mm.
Ammo Data Visualizations! We’re a bunch of gun geeks around here – but sometimes we put more emphasis on the word “geek” than gun
Propaganda Alpha This week we posted on Facebook a picture of our latest (and first) piece of Ammo² “propaganda” – a vinyl decal for your truck (or car): We think it looks pretty bad-ass! A lot of people agree too because we’ve had a ton of requests for these decals. It also